Those who have Twitter account might have seen the hashtag and even participate in the hype. However for those without Twitter account might be wondering what does #twtupJohor means. #twtupJohor (pronounced as "tweet up Johor") is a meet up for Johorean who are connected through Twitter.
#twtupJohor will be different from the other #twtup simply because it is made by Johorean for Johorean. We all know how cool and awesome we are, right? There will be few performers that will come down to entertain us all including Natasha Hudson. Plus we have activities lined up for the whole time during the event for all attendees complete with prizes and goodies, like the JOHO Car Boot Sales and Short films screening.
So come down and join us in the fun of socializing and meeting new friends. RSVP your attendance! If you don’t have a Twitter account, register now and start connecting with like minded people from around the country and even the world! Lets make #twtupJoho trending world wide by tweeting "I'm going to #twtupJohor!"
From the desk of the organizing committee, we await your participation in this wonderful event. See ya!