the guest book for SPAM! Journal #1 by Azrafe ZakyI started the day with an overslept syndrome because I was really tired the day after preparing for the last prep for SPAM! but after a cup of coffee my heart started pounding like crazy and I knew its gonna be long day.
3.00pm : arrived at the zone around 3pm and saw the last person bringing the goodies for the goodie bags, Mr. Syed from Wonderspace. Then the "family" started coming in and in no time everyone arrived passionately in style.
6.00pm : it was raining heavily and I remembered being teased "zac muka cuak" hehe yeah I was.. :) but in my mind I just knew that it wasn't gonna take a whole night and I was right. Thank God!
6.30-7.00pm : Yaya, Klux, Noreena, Najjia and Fana Fahana finished with the goodie bags and I am off to take "makan" and drinks for the bands... luckily my mom's cafe is not far from there.
7.45pm : I came back and planned to park my car just in front of The Roost Bistro so it will be easy for us to repack things back but the parking is meant for the patrons for the karaoke besides ROOST BISTRO (urrgghhh) then i went out from the compound with a ticket. Not far from the exits I took a right turn (there was no chain) into another compound just opposite ROOST BISTRO and the fountain. OK I am saved (agaknye)
8.00pm : still waiting for some of the bands to arrive and I can see beautiful JOHOreans started pouring in with happy faces and awesomely friendly mood. I even met a friend yang gile lama tak jumpe dan macam2 lagi laa..
9.00pm : the show started with FINGER INC. I love one song from them but i hated to admit that I forgot the name of the song. They were entertaining and hope to see more of them this year.
9.30pm : Ziller and the Klasik Ikan Keli took the stage. dari tune pertama tiupan harmonika tu i know its gonna be terbaek..memang betul...ziller memang band yg patut kita awasi kemunculannya. "keroncong pilihanraya" tu...aku dengar/tengok video link di facebook JOHO hampir setiap hari. memang best...kena check out!
10.00pm : STATIK took the stage with few bandmates from BLUEBIRDS. outside ENOL ada mention "zac..malam ni ada special untuk kau" then baru aku tau kenapa. :) sebab ada hasnol (the official) and anas (laila'slounge) from BLUEBIRDS! cover song by them that night buat aku dpt flashback hehe..wonderwall from oasis (awwww) sing-along macam nak terkeluar anak tekak (termasuk aku)
10.30pm : first half of SPAM! diakhiri oleh saudara FEROZ OMAR..puisi MAWAR KESENIAN membuat aku meremang bulu roma.. di dada saudara ini banyak semangat. Then semua SPAMMERS rehat for 15minutes.
10.45pm : LAILA terpaksa perform sebab penonton semakin sesak kat dalam dan MC dah tak dpt masuk lagi...maybe sebab semua ingat LAILA akan perform terus padahal LAILA kena soundcheck. Vokalis LAILA Mr. Sharol telah membuktikan yang beliau sudah bersedia demi LAILA untuk 2010. Lagu cover dari Kings of Leons bergema tanpa rasa kesian. Terbaek!
11.15pm : mic di berikan kepada JOHN D MADMAN. Salah seorang pemuisi tegar dari BATU PAHAT (FEROZ OMAR pun dari BP) melaungkan kata-kata semangat dari puisi nukilannya..memang pekat dan padat...lagi sekali bulu roma aku naik.
10.20pm : aku mengambil alih mic dari the MC's...memang dah lama aku tak pegang microfon dengan semangatnye (last was PENANG before puasa) memberikan ucapan terima kasih untuk family JOHO dan partisipasi-partisipasi yg datang bukan hanya untuk SPAM! tapi untuk support ARTS and CULTURE development untuk youth ni. I made it as short and simple as PLAGUE OF HAPPINESS me-readykan diri.
11.30pm : PLAGUE OF HAPPINESS mencuri stage dengan style malam tu. Penangan dari semu band members yg hadir demi JOHOR membuatkan semua leka menari-nari sambil bersorak dan melaungkan JOHO berulang-ulang kali...(only god know how I felt) dari last song (KONSPIRASI) membawa ke was fuckin awesome! memang best sangat-sangat watching Abang Nas (my senior masa kat asrama, and one of PASSIONISTS from JOHOR that I know) controlled the stage well. KUDOS!
12am : The event ended and nampak semua tengah happy berkenal-kenalan dan wave goodbyes..ramai juga yang sedang sibuk menyimpan memori SPAM! di dalam memori card kamera.
1.00am : aku kena bayar saman tiket...sebab awal2 aku parking masuk pintu yg dibukak sementara aku kena kluar tanpa tiket :( melayang RM30 tanpa kompromi...takpe..janji semua dah selesai and Alhamdulillah habis dengan bergaya.
antara ayat yg aku sempat aku ingat from PASSIONISTS yg hadir malam tu:
"gile best event JOHO ni,ada lagi tak lain kali?"
"abang perform pukul berapa?"
"sorry i leaned on you"
"xnak la ambik2 gamba,nak buatpe?" (chill laa..if nak control2 macho baik duduk rumah tengok bola,be friendly and sporting susah sangat ke..bukan bayar pun...sori tergeram sekejap)
"baju ni berapa ringgit?" (they were referring to t-shirt SPAM! - family semua kena beli tshirt putih sendiri dan di spray@stensil oleh Yusri Bachok tanpa belas kasihan. :) but works ;)
OVERALL I am happy that night...actually sampai hari ni... I was happy to see so many JOHOreans datang with PASSION and SOUL. Semua determined and semua proud to be JOHOrean that night and after...with messages that I have got I would like to credit it to all "family" JOHO. You know who you are and how much I love you all.
sorry ayat laa akibatnye bile KHUSYUK tanpa belas kasihan :)
congrates JOHO and lets PRAY for the best in months or years to come!
Journal #2 by Reza MohamedKeadaan di luar Roost sangat Havoc dimana kita dapat menyaksikan ramai pengunjung hadir berpusu-pusu untuk mendapatkan goodie bag dan juga bergambar untuk dijadikan kenangan. Ada juga fotografer2 selain dari OP turut serta dalam mengambil gambar di wall JOHO dimana ianya satu penyertaan yang sangat positif dan dimeriahkan lagi dengan pengunjung yang sukarela merampas plate JOHO dari tangan saya ini untuk mereka bergambar di wall tersebut.
Selain daripada itu, didapati ramai mengeluh kerana tidak dapat menikmati sepenuhnya acara yang diadakan. Ini disebabkan keadaan yang sesak dibahagian dalam. Walau bagaimanapun ramai yang masih setia menunggu di luar sambil beramas mesra antara satu sama lain dan juga bergambar bersama selebriti2 ternama. Ada juga yang tidak ternama. Ada juga yang langsung tidak dikenali.
Ramai pengunjung yang hadir muka jarang2 kita lihat... ramai awek2 yang comel dan bergaya... ramai fotografer.... ramai lomografer.... dan ramai mahukan lagi SPAM!.
Reza Mohamed, laporan dari luar Roost Bistro The ZonJournal #3 by Azree IsmailYaaa... terima kasih Reza Mohamed.. kembali ke ruangan dalam lokasi Spam malam itu... seperti apa yang digambarkan oleh En. Reza tadi..tak jauh bezanya keadaan didalam... All pengunjung JOHO dah mula memenuhi ruangan dalam walaupun band-band masih lagi melakukan soundcheck... OP indoor yg bertugas malam itu juga tak dapat bergerak kerana keadaan agak sesak.. Sambutan yg positif!
Ramai yg sing along sepanjang akustik session.. aku suke.. aku suke.. secara tak langsung menaik kan lagi semagat-semangat performer malam tu..
sekian dulu...
Azree Ismail melaporkan untuk SPAM journal JOHO.
Journal #4 by Boyd FadzleeWhat is SPAM!?
SPAM! is shorts for Southern Project of Arts Movement. It is a movement by JOHO to help bring forward the talent of JOHOrean. It is a platform for all passionists to showcase their talent and at the same time bridge the gap between the next generation of JOHOrean so we would be socially and ARTfully adept.
Overall we've got a tremendous support from the crowd, co-organizers, photographers, bands and friends. It made bonding possible, as well as bartering ideas, exploring co-organizers items, kodak moments and get to know the great JOHOrean bands.
We would like to give a big thanks to the co-organizers: The Roost Bistro,
The Good Old Things,
The Girl Next Door, F Ideas, Cupcakes Addicts and
Wonderspace. Without them SPAM! the event would not be possible.
The best thing is... JOHO have created the unforgettable sentimental value event which is will be in our heart.. forever..
Journal #5 by Nbilla Jane RizaThat night, I stood there close to the bands while doing those MC thing, staring and enjoying the bands live music in accoustic mood. Finger Inc. started to play at 9. They were good.
When it comes to Ziller and the Classic Ikan Keli, my heart start to thump really hard. Aww, Ziller has nice set of teeth! Lagu pertama, "The Coon". Aku terpana. Lagu kedua, "Bangsawan". Aku terpaku. Lagu ketiga, "Keroncong Pilihanraya". Ah.. Sesak dada! And finally the song "I Got Listerine Stole From My Pocket". Ya man, lebih kurang gitu la tajuknya! Time ni, kaki aku menggeletar. As I got the microphone, I got stuck because I got struck. "I feel like,..... I feel like,..... (heaven)".
Band seterusnya, Statik!! Makin dengar makin sedap! Makin romantik rasanya.. Aww.. Boyd, you tak rasa pape ke? Hahahah!
Then, kita semua melayan puisi oleh Feroz Omar. Heavy digestion. Terdiam semua orang kerana menghadam. Haha.
Dan rehat 15 minit!
Sebaik sahaja aku masuk semula selepas break, crowd sudah pun pack. "Excuse me, excuse me, MC nak lalu.." Hehe! Sesampai di hadapan, Laila sedang sound checking. Shahrol the singer sedang mengambil alih tugas aku dan Boyd. Controlling the crowd and have some say. Nice surprise! Seronok bila begitu. Dan mereka terus mula bermain sesudah itu. They play some Laila's songs, dan sebuah lagu sing along, "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leons. Best gila! Thanks Laila!
Acara diteruskan dengan bacaan puisi oleh John D. Madman! Whuu! Siap ada prop untuk mikrofon dan fail DIY untuk menyimpan puisinya! I can feel his bit of madness! Haha.
And finally, "Plague of Happiness"!! Aku saksi, diorang main exactly macam yang aku dengar dalam Myspace Music! Better kut, live tu!! "Hasrat", "Malam", "Resah Awan", dan "Konspirasi". Dan crowd mintak lagi! Yang terakhir, "Useless Enemy" sebagai penutup SPAM!/01 2010. Crowd memang gila-gila layan kepala! Tangga Roost bergegar-gegar! Seram aku tengok, tapi aku faham, they were infected by the happiness plague!
Inilah perasaan aku untuk performers malam tu..
Belum lagi kekaguman aku dengan gambar-gambar dan idea slide show itu sendiri.. Memang cantik dan mewujudkan elemen tenang dan sejuk dalam Roost Bistro! Keseluruhan konsep SPAM!/01 2010 adalah yang terstyle. Terstyle, aku bangga dengan outcomenya! Dan aku doakan SPAM! terus maju untuk beri manfaat kepada komuniti, negeri, dan nasional. Tahniah Azrafe Zaky, anda pemimpin yang saya kagumi, dan crews and supporters, terima kasih banyak-banyak kerana menyokong JOHO selama ini. Kita berusaha bersama, kita berjaya bersama.
Journal #6 by Wandi VoltaHeyho Lads!
That Day I came in late because I got some work to do and then I went straight to The Roost Bistro with Noreena who was also helping us out that night.
The sound system was so unexpected as the equipment got some missing pieces but Ah-Hai helped me find extra Mic Stand (thanks to him). Then we start setting up the set with some sound check with the help from Boyd. Its not as good but then Naz from Plage of Happiness helped me out too.
The crowd gets too close to the set as the show started which consequently made the set a bit difficult to move around or to help the band with their sets. But yeah, the thing goes well as planned and as the show started the crowd got even closer to the set, making me nervous! hahah..
Finger Inc, then it's the Zieller before moving on to Statik.
Poetry recitation went well and Laila came in at break time. (At first we thought we wanna do some checking but the crowd straight away came in)
The list of songs for that day were:
1) Wajah (cover song from Laila's Lounge)
2) Use Somebody (Cover song from Kings of Leon)
3) Purba Sangka
4) Frozen (our upcoming single)
Then the show moved on to poetry and ended with a tremendous show by Plague of Happiness!
The thing is the show ended very well and people did enjoyed themselves and thanks to them that this event was a success.
Ah-Hai (Roost Owner) did helped us out very much in providing us the space and some sponsorship, credits to him too!
The show closed with DJ sets by Rizal and His buddies ( nama group diorang 'Side Project' kot..) then also some big photoshoot with us all!
+WanDi Volta Journal #7 by Yaya Jams DeanAlhamdulillah semua OK. Saya masih malu2.. first time kot jadi crew event mcm ni.
Next time saya mesti dah ok kot..hehe
Tak dapat nak tengok the bands perform sebab tak dapat masuk dalam. So I hope people can upload as much videos for the performances as they can. So far saya baru tengok 1 video saja.
Congrats to Mr. Azrafe, klux, Siapekah Aku? and Kak Bie, Azree, Amirul, E. Reza, Wandi, Boyd, Nabila ela ela and Idi, and Yus yang famous malam itu. Juga buat photographers yang menyelitkan diri and semua yg datang memeriahkan event.. overall mmg best..
SPAM best :) :)
Journal #8 by Kluxorious KluxcesI was one of the earliest to arrive with Yaya with my SPAM! uniform all ready and set. The reason why we were early was probably because to calm our nerves down. Like Mr. Azrafe, it felt like my heart could burst out of the cage from the anxiousness.
Less than an hour, we met Nbilla who were prep by Bee from The Girl Next Door as she was the MC for that night. Then the guys started to come in and so was the rain. It was clear from our faces that we were all hoping the rain to stop soon, or at least, it won't be a hindrance for the event.
Alhamdulillah, with God's willing, at exactly 8pm, the rain let out and the event proceeded as plan, well, not really. We were late for an hour because of some technical difficulties but we managed to finished it as scheduled, so yay!
I was the person responsible for sales so obviously I did not get to roam around and mingle with everyone but it was still nice to see the response that JOHO got judging by the sales of the 2nd edition (red) button of JOHO. And all is not lost. I may not be able to see the bands performed but I still managed to enjoy the performances of the bands as I listened to their songs.
As the event came to a close, the JOHO crew have our pictures taken, as we congratulate each other for the success of SPAM! It was one of the most memorable moments that night, one that I would definitely remember for the years to come.
JOHOR is back and JOHOR is ready for changes. JOHO will make sure that it will be done, starting with SPAM!
For SPAM! pictures,
click here.