Saturday, December 5, 2009

Teater Walinung Sari

First, thanks to JOHO for the invitation and congratulations.

I have always been a fan of theater so I did not miss the opportunity to watch Walinung Sari Theater which was held on December 5, 2009 at Auditorium Sultan Iskandar RTM, Johor Bahru. Being the JOHOrean that I am, I have to admit that it was hard to find showcases of theaters in Johor. If we want to see theaters, we have to travel all the way to KL for it.

For me personally as a fan of theater, Walinung Sari was amazing. I went with my mother (in her 50's) and my sisters (in their early 20's) who weren't into theather but they too were impressed. We felt the theater has life of it's own as it re-telling the history of the said beauty. In my opinion, the show should be extended and I'm sure it would be a hot topic for at least a week.

The story of Walinung Sari was mystical and has sense of culture and religious. It definitely has message that they want to convey to the audience. It would be good for the younger generation so they could learn something from it. The theater was not only fun but educational as well.

Walinung Sari does not required famous faces or big names to ensure it's success. The talent that they have were sufficient. They definitely blew the roof off with their passion and performances.

My point is, theater such as this will gains it audience in Johor even though we do not have 'Istana Budaya'. Even RTM is hosting plenty of such events. All that is need is effort.

Which kind of theater would be of little relevant if it can give such big impact to the audience. Which such dedication I am sure that the audience will gradually increased. They would even help promote the event.

Once again, congratulation and thank you JOHO for promoting the event. We need more of this kind of dedication in Johor.

And allow me to reiterate: Walinung Sari was amazing :)

Entry by Nurul Raudah

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