Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Photo Outing Contest

Picture credited to Amirul Izwan

Like we have mention on the day of the outing, JOHO is running a contest for the photographers who attended the outing. Here are the terms and condition for the competition:
  1. One member can only submit 1 picture for each category: Thaipusam, people, places and tribute to Al-Marhum Sultan Iskandar. Overall, one member can submit up to 4 pictures maximum.
  2. Size for each photo is 10x15cm and 300dpi resolution.
  3. Each photo submitted MUST HAVE caption and/or story. The name of the file MUST BE in this format: category-name. For example: Tribute-edfadzlee.
  4. The email title for submission is JOHO OUTING. You can email it to johobaru@gmail.com. Please include your name and contact number as well.
  5. For the three categories: Thaipusam, people and places, each photo MUST HAVE the JOHO plate.'
  6. Submission date opens till February 14, 2010. Late entry will not be entertained.
  7. Photos that are not comply with the terms and conditions WILL BE REJECTED.
  8. The decision for the contest is final.

The prized for the competition are:
  • Discount for Kukubesi class in March 2010
  • T-shirt JOHO
  • The picture will get to be displayed at JOHO gallery (location soon to be announced)

To participants who wants to share their JOHO tag pictures with the rest of JOHO members can do so by email it to us.

Do not hesitates to contact us if you have any inquiries about the contest.


  1. hye .kami ingin memperkenalkan karya kami .kami membuat nukilannukilan tentang puisi .kami harap JOHO dapat menerima kami .kami merupakan rakyat JOHO juga .

  2. Hi, kami mengalu²kan penyertaan anda. Untuk tahu cara bagaimana untuk menyerahkan hasil nukilan anda, sila ke http://johobaru.blogspot.com/2009/11/have-say.html



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